Our Services

Recruitment, Placement and Talent Acquisition

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Working with the right recruitment company is the key to your company's success. ITM SARL offers you ideal, competitive candidates for the position you need. We have an international database of different candidates with varied profiles, which we update regularly, enabling us to offer our customers a wide variety of skilled candidate profiles. Our recruitment process includes: Analysis of your needs Profile search via database or recruitment campaign CV pre-selection Validation of qualifications Follow-up and evaluation of required technical tests Interview with potential candidates Verification of references and testimonials Background checks on selected candidates Presentation of pre-selected candidates to the client Formalization of employment A 60-day post-employment service during which ITM SARL can provide a replacement if the client is not satisfied.

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We are dedicated to providing our clients with top notch services from Human resource outsourcing, recruitment, placement & talent acquisition, professional tra...

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9934 Bd circulaire, Immeuble DEO, Rue Sédomé, Lomé, Togo
Mon-Fri: 8:30am - 5:30pm

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