Our Services


Service image
In collaboration with our South African procurement division, we are able to specify, source and supply machinery, equipment such as fire-fighting gear, personal protective equipment (PPE) and other consumables as required. We operate an in-house fleet of cross-border vehicles to ensure rapid delivery of services. We provide personnel transport solutions as well as road haulage. So you don't have to worry about getting around, here's an efficient solution for your staff and goods. With our service, you can be sure of professional, quality transportation by a trained and specialized team. This is a totally new concept for the ITM HOLDING group, currently available in Angola. We manage residential, commercial and industrial buildings on behalf of our customers, including villas, apartments, supermarkets and condominiums.

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We are dedicated to providing our clients with top notch services from Human resource outsourcing, recruitment, placement & talent acquisition, professional tra...

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9934 Bd circulaire, Immeuble DEO, Rue Sédomé, Lomé, Togo
Mon-Fri: 8:30am - 5:30pm

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